Saturday, October 30, 2010

Further Reading on Oedipus and other Translations

Oedipus and the Sphinx
Within this blog I have researched and posted many ideas on Oedipus and Ancient Greece around 427 BC when the play was finished. However, in order to gain an even greater incite into the play I have posted other links of differing translations of the play and other sources of information. One factor that I did not touch on is the Freudian idea of the Oedipus Complex, which may or may not effect the production.


*For those who might not be aware, the Oedipus complex suggest that young men wish to marry a women who is in every way like the man's mother. Essentially, wanting to marry their mothers. Some people contribute this to a young man's bond to their mother's, where as girls tend to bond closer with their fathers.*

Olry, Regis. "Oedipus Complex." CWU Brooks Library - Login from Off Campus. Web. 30 Oct. 2010. <>.

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