Friday, October 29, 2010

Oedipus terms and definitions

Within the play of Oedipus there are many terms that might not be easily recognized by modern people. These terms are of importance because they help construct the given circumstances of the play and need to be represented as authentically as possible.

Olive Branch Garland
  •   Priest:  "Cities in the Graeco‐Roman world always had men and women, often of high rank, specially chosen for the service of the gods and goddesses. They might be serving for life or for a fixed term; they might be holding a hereditary position, or be publicly elected or selected by some other method. The offices always carried honour, but often too, esp. in later periods, the expectation of high expenditure by the holders. The duties varied widely, from quite humble service to high authority and power" (ORO, priest) The Greeks had both men and women priests, the men for the gods, and women for the goddesses
  • olive garland branch: to hold an olive garland branch is to show peace and reconciliation.  (ORO, olive branch)
  • .votive offerings: voluntary dedications to the gods, usually during a time of anxiety. These gifts for the gods consisted of everything from locks of hair, tools, prizes, small statuettes, and masks.

CWU Brooks Library - Login from Off Campus. Web. 29 Oct. 2010. < votive offerings&x=0&ssid=1219570089&time=0.289072341390927>.

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